Oh Brother Obama. I was with you my friend. I had your back. However, now that I hear that you are putting the snub on the Dalai Lama until after you get back from your upcoming China visit, I am disappointed since I am a huge fan of the Dalai Lama. This was such and easy choice for you to make. One is a gentle, peace loving holy man and the other is a brutal, repressive regime that paints our children's toys with toxic paint. They also, somehow, have made sure that the past 3 fortune cookies that I got were void of their fortunes. Not cool Obama OR China. I understand that this was done so as NOT to anger the Chinese. WHO CARES what the Chinese think? Sure they practically OWN the US since buying up most of your debt but this will only give your enemies something else to beat you up over. Now they will portray you as someone kowtowing to your Asian overlords. You also will get no love from the left who see the Dalai Lama (who I hear is a terrific golfer - 'big hitter da Lama') as the representative of a truly oppressed people. I don't want to hear that this is all part of your 'master plan' or that you are playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers. You need a win NOW! Your base needs something to renew our faith in you. You were the chosen one - the Golden Child - who was gonna save us all. Please. I can't go into a room full of republican racists again without something to defend you with. And I live in Canada! Imagine how those who voted for you are feeling.