I am not celebrating too loudly this time least the gods choose to slap me down again for my hubris. So thank you to everyone who follows me. You are all great and my inspiration to do the best blog I can within the scary confines of my own mind. It's tough being your own editor. Those of you who comment will never know how much value I put on your opinions. And for the two of you who are thinking of jumping again just so you can laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at me I have this message - Don't hate bitches. It's love that makes the world go round.
SEE I haven't even posted this message yet and ALREADY I lost another FUCKING FOLLOWER!!! Back to 99. Back to hell for the fucknut that thinks this is funny. Told you it was too early to celebrate because we can't have Calvin feel good about anything can we? Kept down by the man. A fat, white, heterosexual Canadian male just can't get a break in this world. I no longer am just a person on the train to Crazy Town, I am the Engineer.
I assume that nobody could go on my blog and just delete people, right? Do you see what you have done to the Tiger? Now HE is all upset over this. We all know what happens to the next kid that gets too close to the cage, don't we. So when the Tiger goes nuts, don't tell me that it just went crazy. That tiger didn't go crazy - he went 'Tiger'.