Miss Lana had these questions on her latest post so I had to steal them to answer for myself. How else can I keep my title as the world's most interesting Canadian.
1. Where is your cell phone? - still in the store - don't do cellphones
2. Your hair? - missing on top
3. Your mother? - classiest woman ever
4. Your father? - missed every second of every day
5. Your favorite food? - pizza, lobster, cheeseburgers
6. Your dream last night? - kittens
7. Your favorite drink? - Hawaiian Punch
8. Your dream/goal? - graphic novelist
9. What room are you in? - main control room of the Cave of Cool
10. Your hobby? - blogging, collecting action figures
11. Your fear? - the boneless cephalopods bitches
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Antarctica
13. Where were you last night? - swinging over the rooftops of the dark city
14. Something you aren't? - handsome
15. Muffins? – meh
16. Wish list item? - big ass RV
17. Where did you grow up? - military bases in Canada and Europe
18. Last thing you did? - wrote plot synopsis for latest graphic novel idea
19. What are you wearing? - cape, no pants
20. Your TV? - my best friend. Always there to get me to laugh and cry
21. Your pets? - one awesome piece of kitty - Admiral Fluffy
22. Your friends? - lost to time
23. Your life? - ticking away
24. Your mood? – flexible
25. Missing someone? - Coral, Cory
26. Vehicle? - My cool little Suzuki
27. Something you're not wearing? - socks
28. Your favorite store? - Sobey's Groceries
29. Your favorite color? - sky blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? - am laughing now
31. Last time you cried? - am crying now (I am a delicate hot house orchid)
32. Your best friend? - don't have one unless you count Fluffy
33. One place that I go over and over? - 7-11
34. One person who emails me regularly? - BookSteve, Wings, formerly Lisa