Let's pretend for a second that the United States ISN'T the center of the Universe. Let's imagine a planet with several billion people who are not currently residing in the great country that borders Canada. It is obvious from the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama that there is strong HOPE in the rest of the world that your 'golden child' can save us all from the devastation that the last administration brought to the planet. It's a point that cannot be understated.
For the Nobel Prize committee to award the Peace Prize on the basis of what someone WILL do as opposed to what the already HAVE done is almost without precedent. Its speaks to a desire we all have to live in a world that is not controlled by the merchants of death - the military/industrial complex. Bush and his ilk did much to fatten the pockets of those who would do evil. Can you imagine how much this planet could advance if even a TENTH of what is spent on weapons could be spent on projects to bring the basics of clean water, nutritious food, clean energy and basic health care to the parts of the world that have never known them? There is so much decency and good will amongst the people of the industrialized nations. If that could only be harnessed and not disrupted by our own governments, and the lobbyist who represent those who don't have the PLANET'S best interests at heart, we could finally spread the right message and in a way ATONE for the sins of our past.
Its time for obstructionists to get out of the way. Its time to marshal our forces for GOOD. I am just one man but I support the U.S. President. If all of us with like minds and like beliefs about what is RIGHT could only get behind him - can you imagine what we can do? Its time for every American to stand up to the Republican cowards and DEMAND BETTER from your government. When you do that the entire planet is ready to help you lead us into a brighter future. Can you do that or will you continue to only look out for yourselves? This is your moment of decision. Will you be GREAT or will you fail us all again? I have faith that you will do the right thing. I will end with that quote from Superman because it says all that needs to be said.
"They are a great people Kal-el, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show them the way"