This reminds me of the time I saw a show on 'Animal Planet' about animal heroes. A burglar broke into a home while the couple who lived there were sleeping. Their cat, sensing danger, launched herself at the crook from her perch and dug into his face with her claws. Police were later able to arrest the guy when the criminal went to the hospital for treatment. He had deep facial lacerations and told the police that the couple whose house he had broken into were keeping an exotic wild animal and he had been attacked by it. The cops went immedately to investigate. The topper to the whole tale? It wasn't a bobcat who had done all that damage, it was their blind kitty cat. Yes, a BLIND kitty saved the day. The couple had built an elaborate series of shelves with railings all over the house so the cat could go from one room to the next in safety and apparently she was on her perch by the front door and using her hearing and other senses, she targeted the intruder perfectly.
I like to think that the kitty in this picture is seconds away from doing the same to the guy that is threatening it. Not nice to say you will eat kitty.