In a couple of hours NASA will explode a missile on the moon. Well that is not entirely accurate. Their solid object will hit a crater on the moon's surface at twice the speed of a bullet. This will have the effect of sending debris into the space above the impact site which NASA will then analyse for the possibility of water. Its all very exciting but also a bit scary. Haven't we always been told there was no water on the moon? What if that probe from India that claimed to find traces of water found something else? Something they NEED to destroy. Naw, couldn't be something like that could it? I am curious to see what kind of feed they have set up on their website so that the world can witness the impact (or the CGI they created to fool us into thinking they are just hitting some lonely crater). I keep thinking of the site 'IRON SKY' which is documenting the creation of a film about the base the Nazis build on the moon after WWII. Maybe this is our own 'final solution' to the Moon Nazi problem? Just asking.
I was very surprised while watching the coverage from NASA TV. They came across as a bad public access program with mission control coming from some guy's mother's basement. It hardly seemed real and this was the command center to direct a rocket to the MOON. This is the premier space agency on the planet and it looked like it was done by the local rocketry club. The guys they picked to tell us about this moment will also so amateur it was embarrassing at time. They had all their questions and answers written down. And they read them off their clipboards. No spontaneity or going off script. Come on you geeks. Can't you give me ONE 'Space 1999' reference?? However, it is very very cool to be able to watch this event live on my computer. What an amazing time we live in.