I watch this is the hopes that it will show me something that will both frighten and amaze me but all I see are tricks of the light and space debris illuminated. In all my life no one has ever shown me a piece of video or a snapshot that convinces me that there are UFOs visiting this planet. If anyone was ever primed to believe it was me.
When I was a kid I devoured books about ancient civilization and cryptozoology. I knew more about Yeti, and Loch Ness, and the Chupacabra than any elementary student had the right to know. Even when they tried to fool us that Santa lived on the North Pole by using military short wave radio connecting to his toyshop or radar footage showing him being tracked across North America I still remained skeptical.

This series of NASA footage is more of the same B.S. that will make some of you seek out your tin foil helmet but not me. Besides, what aliens would even want to come here. We don't even like each other. How do they think we would treat them? And, as I have said before, IF they taste like chicken we will Kentucky Fry them so quick that they would not be able to hear the lid close on the bucket.