Well what do you know. Dickhead coward Glenn Beck has refused to say whether or not he will be taking the H1N1 vaccine. While he could recommend that his listeners take it (and maybe save a few lives), he would rather avoid any consequences that would come from problems with the vaccine by dodging the issue all together. He wants to reserve the right to criticize the Obama government if something goes wrong. So much for using your fame for something good. He also denied today that he believes that the government will be using the vaccine to implant tracking chips into people, a fear he had a hand in spreading before. Its a popular topic on right wingnut websites. Just light the fuse and walk away Glen. We are so much better off for your contributions to the culture. I know you don't do what you do for any recognition or awards but finally, you have earned the much coveted Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness Silver Bullet Award. Now go for the ratings bonanza and blow your brains out on live TV. I guarantee they will never forget you.