Today seems to be the day for selfish women and magnificent women on TV. Now I do watch the 'View' in the course of my daily travels because I love it when they fight and bitch and Hasselbeck says something stupid that can infuriate me and remind me that pretty doesn't always equate to smart. Whoopi also has my eternal love because of that incident on the Romulan ship that I mentioned in a previous post. But today they had Kate Gosselin of the train wreck that is 'John and Kate Plus Eight' on the show and they were grilling her about her life. I found her to be totally self centered and unaware of the way that SHE and SHE alone drove John out of that marriage. Weekly we watched as she belittled him and stripped him of not only his manhood but his dignity. This is why men cheat ladies. This is why they go out with younger women. The other women make them feel validated as MEN. They value their company and make them feel like the superhero we all THINK we are. It may sound stupid to you but I can take ten divorced men who cheated or whatever and at the CORE of their marital problems is a wife who does everything she can to crush his spirit. John will be okay. But Kate will have to look her children in the eyes everyday and explain to them why their daddy is no longer at home. That entire TV show proves my point. What you see is a broken man who had enough of this bitch and took the chance to get away from her. I know many women will be on my ass about this but before you do please look at your man and try to remember the last time you made him feel really valued and loved and you were there for him and his dreams or desires. We have our pride and needs too.

Then in the afternoon I had to watch part two of the two part interview Oprah did with Whitney Houston who really spent most of the last decade on a train wreck of her own. All of it self administered by a person who always felt she was above all the rest of us. That amazing voice gave her fame and fortune but did not protect her from being a brat who needed to be beated down by an even bigger brat until she realized that her life had to change. Even today you could see how she was not humbled by her experiences or embarrassments but felt that we all should look to her as some kind of icon for what makes a great human being. Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand have the same affliction. Its called being a DIVA and there is no cure for it. Once again bad behavior gets rewarded with acclaim that is totally undeserved. Being 'entitled' does not make one great.

Then my good news story of the day. I have been watching 'Big Brother' US since it started and usually its the evil person who plotted and schemed all summer that wins the $500,000 dollars but this time sweet, cute and dumb as a stump Jordan won by being a decent person. Kind and supportive she was the easy choice over the lying and scheming Natalie who was one of the singularly worst people I have even had the misfortune of watching on reality TV. So while evil triumphs (and please don't get me started on the OCTOMOM) - good always is there to balance it out. This comment from the 'Entertainment Weekly' website says it all.
"We’ve heard a lot of players, this season and in the past, talk about taking on a character in the house, or being a character. Jordan HAS character. It’s as simple as that, and that’s why she deserved to win. She was nominated and lost valuable allies, but never let herself become vindictive or spiteful. She lost competitions and didn’t consider herself a failure…won competitions and didn’t consider herself an “alpha” player. She may even have fallen for a guy, but had the character not to run away with that experience while surrounded by cameras and onlookers. She had the kind of character that viewers can look up to without feeling like they were wallowing in “trash TV.” Go, Guccie!"

And also lets have some love for Taylor Swift who took the high ground after ass-hat Kanye West was a total douchebag to her at the VMA's. What a sweetheart. I wish nothing but the best for her.