I love when I forget that I downloaded something. I go to my bitcomet page and WOW..there it is, the new animated feature for DC. Made long before the change to DC Entertainment so who knows if its the last good one for awhile. First of all let me say that the animation is beautiful. For some reason the colors on all the superheroes just 'pop' and you get the feeling that they are bigger than life characters just the way you should perceive them to be. And the script? Timely, adult with real world arguments about the nature of power and those who wield it. I was impressed with the strength of the storytelling. I love Luthor the most when he is an evil bastard to those who 'really' know him but a hero to those who don't. Superman seems more like an adult and as usual we get the awesome dynamic between him and Batman. They respect each other as brothers and are put in such mortal peril in this one that they will need every advantage of that friendship to survive and defeat the mad schemes of Luthor. He is a genius super villain for a reason you know? I love this stuff. Seems like DC acquired the best of the vocal talents they have used in the past and if you have ever seen the various DC character TV shows you will recognize them instantly. There is a huge cast of villains to fight and each one will tax the duo's crime fighting abilities to the max. I would have watched this just to see Power Girl. She has never looked cuter or sexier and that is really saying something. Props to Luthor for going 'old school' near the end. I almost wish I hadn't read the comic book series because not knowing what was going to happen would have made this cartoon ten times more entertaining. Its just that good a story.