A highlight of my favorite posts and my favorite images over this past year. It was quite an adventure going through myself to find some favorites that defined me as a person in the past year. I admire anyone who can stay dedicated to such projects. Some of the best advice I ever got was 'enjoy what you post about' and 'don't be afraid to bitch about situations that you hate'. 'Your offence give words to people who have no such ways that to express themselves.' So I do enjoy my posts, especially the images that get me off on some pro-kitty or anti-octopus rant. Thank you for making my life so much better and I give special shout out to the following bloggers that you should give your time and effort too. They have a lifetime pass to the Cave of Cool and if you want one too just follow their lead. I apologize if I missed anyone so please chastise me in the comments. To the following, my eternal unlimited love to you. You are my 'Agents in Shadow' and I hope I give back to you all that you have given to me. VIVE LE BLOG!! VIVA US ALL!! If you want (and you should) to visit these fine blogs just look to my list on the side).
Adventures in Nearliness and his Tumblr
Random Thoughts From A Sleep Deprived Brain
Caffienated Joe
Super Punch
The Daily What
Wandering Coyote
Love Letters From Cora
Memories of Evil Fu
Electric Cerebrectomy and his Tumblr
Genius Pending
70s Child
League of Melbotis
Attentive Aphorist
Michael May's Adventureblog
Monkey Muck
Mother Hide THe Pearls
No Smoking In The Skull Cave
Radiation Cinema et al
Shine Out Loud
The Dragon and the Buddha and the Ladies at Court
This isn't Happiness
When Is Evil Cool