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Resident Evil: Afterlife Starts Production in Toronto

Such a boring title for a news story that basically has me wetting my panties. I'm not usually one of those people who follow films from the start of production to release. I only have been following 'Iron Man' because the confident filmmakers have no fear that releasing anything will affect the box office. Build anticipation and reward the fans that made the first film such a worldwide hit. Now THIS film I will follow as much as I can. I make no apologies for the fact that I love me some Milla and especially love me some 'Resident Evil Milla'. Watching her do that 'off the wall kicking the dog in the head with boots and a high slitted red dress' move in the first film was one of my favorite action stunts EVER. Especially the look of surprise on her face when she landed because she had pulled it off. The end of part 3 promised the inclusion of 100 or more 'Millas' going batshit crazy against a world full of zombies. Can you imagine that many kickass action angels, each with their own style and weaponry, let loose on the street and especially, let loose on the evil, EVIL Umbrella Corporation (oooooo I hates me some Umbrella Corporation). After all, Alice DID promise she was coming after them and I would hate for my girl to be shown to be a liar. If I was the filmmakers I would go totally off the wall crazy with this one. Use the CGI for what it was meant to be use for - shock and awe. Paul W. Anderson is directing and writing and he knows this franchise. I don't think he will let me down.


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