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One Of Those Really Bad Days

I am copying this post directly from where I found it because it concerns three of my favorite historical figures. C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia), Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and JFK (He did some stuff too). Lewis and Huxley had alot to do with my love for fantasy and science fiction that made you think. JFK? Well twice in US History class (We take that here in the great tundra bitches, can you say the reverse is true?) I got FIRST choice of essay/presentation topics. For the Presidents one I picked JFK and for the States one I picked New York State. Everyone hated me especially the kid that got Chester A. Arthur and North Dakota. Hard to make that combination interesting to anyone. I on the other hand wowed the crowd and got an easy A+ both times. So I knows me some JFK and I dig the man's moxy and style.


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