How shallow and witless is the Right in America? How determined are they to destroy the Presidency of a man who was fairly elected (unlike the previous President) and therefor deserves the opportunity to govern? Its seems like everything from planting a vegetable garden to speaking to school children has to be associated with some evil motives from the twisted mind of Obama. I would take twisted evil thoughts any day over the twisted evil ACTIONS of Cheney and Bush. However, to take a speech on the importance to stay in school and do your homework and study hard from a man who EXEMPLIFIES those traits and is the poster boy for the American Dream and associate it with socialist or Nazi indoctrination is beyond crazy. Is it because he went to Harvard? Or was born in Hawaii? It couldn't possibly be that he is BLACK is it that his words have no value to your precious white little snowflakes? And here I thought that America, in electing a black President was entering its post-racial phase. All that has been entered is a time when the REAL racism of the minority who didn't vote for this great man can display itself fully. I watched 'To Kill A Mockingbird' this weekend and was sad for a time when such racist and hateful actions and ideas could be shown openly and proudly. Seems like nothing has changed ya bunch of crackers. Guess its time to shake the dust off your hoods and proclaim yourselves to be what you really are. And while you are doing that you can also pick up a book once in awhile and stop having sex with your sisters and your farm animals. Maybe, just maybe, one of your illiterate offspring saw the speech and picked up a pencil and got to work at being more than his upbringing sentenced him to be. We all can hope.