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My Favorite Tumblrs

Tumblrs are the best. There is just something about the personality contained within the choices some of my favorite bloggers make. They are collecting images to share with all of us and much like their blogs there is often real insight to be found if not down right perversions - many which I share. Not a day passes for me when I don't feel the overwhelming urge to nic a pic here or there. If I missed your tumblr I would love a shout out so I can check out your contribution to the genre. Perhaps you too posted something I deem worthy of taking for my lists of images posted under the title "From the Files of the Cave of Cool". If I did 'borrow' from you please know that I hold your choices and you yourself in the highest respect.

Darius Whiteplumes Tumblr


The Ladies At Court


Electric Banana




This Isn't Happiness


Retrospace Zeta


The Things That Excite Me


Caffeinated Joe


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