Rather then displayed it by movie, he has it separated by categories. Set Design shows of a detailed view of the Ice Cream Truck Twins, Ratchet and NEST Hummer. The Conceptional section shows off the improvements to Bumblebee's vehicle and three CGI views of the NEST Hummer. Art Direction shows a lot of set design work he helped create for the first movie. The Transportation section is photos of the various Transformers he helped design. The Props is all Transformers with look at the Bumblebee robot prop, the zapper cage from the first film, Autobot logos and Frenzy's prop head. The final section, Study Models, does not include Transformers work, but shows some model sets put together to help plan shots and the like.
To view his entire available work click here for the Portfolio section of his website. Thanks to Scorpio for the link.