"The Qatar-Bahrain Friendship Causeway will connect the Persian Gulf states of Qatar and Bahrain over a 40 km causeway. Construction is scheduled to begin next year at a cost of $2.3 billion. The structure will include both a roadway and a railway, and will reduce travel time between the nations to a mere 30 minutes. Once completed it will become the longest bridge in the world, surpassing the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the U.S., which is 38 km long. At the link, you can view a comparative graphic."
I really don't ever see myself going to either Qatar or Bahrain. I am sure they are perfectly nice countries full of screaching women in burkas but the THOUGHT of driving 40 km over an OCEAN (yeh, yeh, they call it a GULF but its still a lot of water) is just insane. If I don't die when the tsunami hits while I am at the 20 km mark or the giant octopus doesn't pull my car off, I will die driving off the edge when I get distracted by all that ocean to either side of me. When two oil producing states have enough money to make this bridge and be responsible for the 100s of immigrant labour deaths sure to result in its construction, then we need to get off our dependancy on oil and choke off their money supply. Then maybe the soldiers fighting for oil can come home. I am such a progressive, liberal, socialist, bridge hater in my old age. Feels good. SAN DEMIS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!!!!