Home » » B-Movie OF The Week 0 From Dusk Till Dawn II - Texas Blook Money

B-Movie OF The Week 0 From Dusk Till Dawn II - Texas Blook Money

I do so love me a movie with a high concept twist. This one involves a group of non-too-bright bank robbers crossing the Mexican border to steal 5 million in laundered drug money. But of course none of them realizes that two of their partners are undead vampires who seem to care more about the blood than any money in the vault. As other humans are co-opted into this army of the undead we see a whole new dynamic develop. Sure I got issues with how fast the bitten guys 'turn' and learn all about their powers but its goofy bloody Nosferatu fun. You got Danny Tejo to also sweaten the pot. He just makes any movie of this type just that much better. I always get that 'jolt' when he goes full monster. The movie makers are obviously recent film school grads because the movie is full of little tricks, flashy stunts, funky camera angles and points of view. It passed the time for me.

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