It took THIS long for 'iCarly' to begin its third season. Sure I can easily watch the first two seasons and be perfectly fine but when you tell me that Season 3 will start in July it had best start in July. Not mid September when it just did. I am a patient person but things like that drive me up the wall and back down it again. 'Fringe' is suppose to start next week so I don't want to see any shenanigans going on with that premiere either. And as for 'Defying Gravity',I have waited eight weeks for the mystery that is 'BETA' to be revelled and if you cheat me there I will be starting fires. And that is NOT a threat this time.
Kanye West actually disrupted the VMA acceptance speech by Taylor Swift to basically tell the world that Taylor sucks and Beyonce is da bomb. What kind of douchebag does that to another person in their moment of triumph? Now I don't care a fig for either girl but its the lowest form of life that fights a battle that didn't exist just to bring attention to himself. Time to put someone to sleep because if we put Kanye out to pasture he will just hop the fence. Pure class Kanye, pure class. You need to take a cue from Beyonce who was ALL class when, after winning her own award, called Swift onto the stage to finish the acceptance speech that Kanye ruined. Do you see Kanye, Beyonce didn't need your help one bit ya jerk.