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Yeh Right

I have a hard time believing that there is a 'God'. Some invisible figure who is so omnipotent that he has time to influence the outcome of sporting events just because thousands of people pray to him in the forth quarter of a game? Yeh, right. If he did exist then he/she is little more than an absentee landlord. We call and call but he never comes down to fix all the stuff that is broken around here. I always say...if there is a God come down to our happy little planet for a day. Go on TV. Do a few miracles (I especially like the one about water into wine) and you got me. The Jebus fish goes right on my car bumper. Now you 'believers' can say that you have to have 'faith' and you have to believe in things you can't see or touch but I call bullshit on that explanation. I see more people use their 'faith' to control and get over on others; usually those who are much weaker than they are. They justify bigotry and hatred with obscure bible references and they kill in the name of a puff of smoke. The sooner the world gets rid of the antiquated scare tactics of organized religion and slavish devotion to that evil book of bronze age fairy tales the better off all of us will be. But one thing does make me comfortable. I know that when my life ends it just ends. A roll of the cosmic dice turns against me. No city in the clouds and no hotsprings down below. I can live with that. Its the ones who believe the hype and drink the Koolaid who will be the most disappointed at the end. Oh and you suicide bombers; the ones who give up their young lives for heavenly rewards I say - 72 virgins? Really? I quote Dennis Miller -"72 virgins is great...but 5 or 6 virgins in I am gonna be wanting a pro."

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