How incredibly messed up is it when you go to all the trouble of waiting in line at the bank then handing the teller the note you spent all afternoon crafting (so that you could make it clear that you are robbing the bank) and then the cops go and call you the 'Winnie the Pooh' bandit. "It was the only shirt I had that was clean!" is hardly an excuse for this level of FAIL. That must be the best part of the police job (well after shooting people). The making up of the criminal nicknames. I would be so jazzed to come up with one that would stick. Like on 'Seinfeld' where the guy cutting off heads was called the 'Lopper'. Tough to get the respect of your 'cellie' too with that kind of attention. 'Pooh Bear' is not the nickname you want in prison. Might as well just drop the soap and get it over with. That is why I could never be a master criminal. Too many little details to get right.