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Whats the Point? Really!

I don't mean to sound stupid but isn't one of the joys of shooting actually seeing the can bounce off the fence or the bullet puncture the center of the target? This just seems like a lot of noise and no pay off...unless of course you hear some guy cry out a split second after you have pulled the trigger. Music works for the blind and I suppose I could enjoy audio books and descriptive TV but not shooting. I think going blind would be the worse thing I could imagine happening to me aside from death itself but then death is kind of a release...I mean then my problems are over, right?

"BOUNTIFUL, Utah - A camp each summer draws kids around the state to Bountiful. Just like any other, most of the day is spent outdoors playing sports. But there is one thing that makes the camp that Elijah Blake different is that it's specifically taylored for kids like him, who are visually impared and want to shoot rifles at a target range. "They load it for you the make sure the bullets are in place and safe and they help you point the gun where it needs to be," Blake says. For the past three years the Bountiful Lion's Club has hosted a camp for blind children that includes target shooting."

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