Swerve - Red repaint of Sideswipe that remains one of the best designs from the ROTF line
Masterpiece Skywarp - Was a Japan only exclusive, now will be available in Wal-Mart stores in a few months. It’s simply a repaint of Masterpiece Starcream from a few years ago. If you don't already have that toy, this one should easily be at the top of your purchase list.

Perceptor in Packaging - Exclusive to Toys R Us, Commemorative Series G1 Perceptor is a re-release of the toy from nearly 25 years ago. This had been previously released in Japan only about three years ago as part of their "bookcase" series (#19 I believe).
Of note, this is the 2,000th post on the blog. Lot of writing over the last four years and probably more to go. (source)