David Lynch is one of those directors that you either love or hate. You appreciate his odd approach to movie making or he drives you crazy. Personally I always found him to be someone who always was able to surprise me (something I search for in life-you gotta hate it when you can predict the direction of a film or are rewriting it in your head while watching). One of his earliest films, 'Eraserhead' still haunts my dreams. 'Dune' so impressed me with its complicated worlds that I had to read the entire series of books after seeing the movie in the theatre 3 times one weekend. Even 'Twin Peaks' on television was the 'Lost' of its day until the show went off the rails and abandoned the style and mystery that made it so great in the first place. His daughter Jennifer definitely inherited her father's genes. You see his touches in her movie 'Surveillance' starring Pill Pulman and Julie Ormand as two FBI agents sent to investigate a series of deaths. The movie also has Michael Ironside, Hugh Dillon, Cheri Oteri and French Stewart. Those last two seem like weird choices for a film about a serial killer terrorizing a rural area in the heartland. Pullman is one of those actors whose twitchy mannerisms and speech patterns always distract me. Julia Ormond is another weird actor who to me always seems to be on the verge of tears. With the subject matter already freaking me out the casting isn't helping me feel any more comfortable. The film is rich with symbolism which at times seems random and arbitrary. I saw the twist coming a mile away. But overall not a bad feature despite all the bloody violence. I would rate the pucker factor at around a 7.