Found this in my surfing today and fit with the post I made earlier in the week about the upcoming live action A-Team movie. Its a neat little fan film showing what the A-Team could look like in a feature film. These are totally different casting choices than I considered but the material sorta lends itself to many different interpretations. Hannibal has to be the leader and overall planner, Face is the con artist and ladies man, B.A. is the mechanic and the muscle and Mad Dog is just nuts. Given that criteria any of these actors would fit the bill nicely. I know what you are thinking - Gary Oldman as Mad Dog? What the hell, Cal? If you have seen 'The Professional' you know he can play 'unstable' with the best of them. Thank to 'Hell Bent for Taters' for the find.
For something a little different check out the Star Trek A-Team. Thank to Wandering Coyote for sending it to me.