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Like A Thunderball

The old Connery versions of the James Bond movies really stand up after all these year. Of course 'Goldfinger' is my often professed favorite. How can you miss with such a cool villain and henchman. The tricked out Astin Martin is the top three of my dream cars. But when it comes to sheer action and adventure I gotta go with 'Thunderball'. Largo is a perfect snake of a villain (he even wears a patch so you just KNOW he's evil and lost that eye while up to no good) and how can you not love the beautiful Dominoe? This one even has a fricken JET PACK scene at the beginning. (I am STILL waiting for mine) The true highlight, though, is the underwater fight footage that was quite revolutionary for its day. Teams of divers with spear guns battling it out, everything set to that great Bond music. Heaven. If you doubt my sincerity when I say I love watching Bond give SPECTRE the screwgie, I direct you to the ring worn by all SPECTRE agents. Notice a familiar evil motif? I thought you might. Yeh, I know, a bit flashy for a secret terrorist organization. Sometimes there is just no talkng to these people.

You were great Sean. No one would ever think that anyone could do the role better than you but I am giving my boy Daniel Craig one more movie before making my man crush on him official. Not your fault. He is a different bond for a different time. While you will always be the Bond of wit and style with those oh so casual and clever 'bon mots', he is a meatier brute perfect for the times we live in.

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