Well it took all of ten seconds for the idiots on the Right to complain about Big Dog Bill Clinton's mission to North Korea to bring home the two journalists detained in North Korea. They had been sentenced to 12 years at hard labour for crossing over the border from China. However, now due to some great behind the scenes negotiations, they have been released. Does anyone out there think that such a great outcome would have happened under the last American administration? You would have seen sabre rattling and macho tough talk that would have accomplished NOTHING. Now instead of being happy that Lara Ling and Euna Lee and are free, we have the Republicans complaining about the fact that Obama actually 'talked' to the repressive, secretive North Korean leadership. What a strange and dangerous concept. Why talk to people when you can threaten to bomb the shit out of them? Just once I would like to see a Right Wing tool give credit where credit is due. I would hate to be a rational Republican these days. They must just cry every time they see their party take the wrong position on most every issue and story. But that is nothing next to how annoyed Hillary Clinton must be. How do you think she feels that after all her work as Secretary of State the news is all about her hubby Bill swooping in and taking the credit at the finish line? That Bill is bulletproof. To quote something I have been hearing all day - with Obama in the White House the ADULTS are back in charge. Its a good day people. (Does anyone else think Kim Jong-il looks like the worst muppet ever?)