About a week ago, Brazilian Housemate Rodrigo wrote a letter to the Queen Of England Herself, Elizabeth 2. He has always wanted to meet her and his letter was actually very sweet and heartfelt and the people behind the scenes on the show were open to sending his request to Buckingham Place. He of course was denied an audience but was send back a very lovely note and fine china cup from the palace. Next thing we know Roddy is meeting an old women who looks very much like the queen and they have a lovely tea together. I assume that Roddy had no idea that the woman was a look-a-like and I think it would be shitty and about the lowest thing a housemate could do by exposing this fraud to Rodddy. To steal something so life changing to a person in front of others is the height of humiliation. I would never tell him that she was never really the queen. What does that hurt? And the joy it gave Roddy will last a lifetime. Its just like meeting Santa at the mall and he smells like whiskey and mold and bleeding gums but your parents do everything to maintain the illusion for you until you see Santa Drinkie Drink on the evening new because he was bothering the strippers at Chez Pierre's Dance Club. Just steals the magic from the moment.