Okay there is nothing funnier than seeing people in 'Alice in Wonderland' costumes exploding into arguements with each other in their thick British accents. I have been waiting weeks for things to reach critical mass and they finally did today. That is the genius of the UK version of Big Brother...you get the slooooow burn and today the fuse was lit. Good summer TV. Bloody brilliant. And you have to totally admire Hira who ate through a huge cupcake for 6 FRICKEN' HOURS just to find the key hidden within. Then, immediately after that ordeal, she had to CRY REAL TEARS. Of course Big Brother helped her by recounting the tale of the 'Little Match Girl' (You know that happy fable..the one were you realize that freezing to death was the best way to die cause you just went to sleep and had nice dreams about cookies and porkchops). That is just messed up! Forget about winning a prize...just give me some therapy. I totally need someone to talk about this show with.