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The Airing of the the Grievances 2

White people so afraid of change that they have to go to town halls and yell, 'I want my America back'. What 'America' was that anyways? The one where all the minorities KNEW their place and gave up their seats on a bus? The one where people had no problem being photographed smiling at the scene of a lynching? Its not the America you grew up with? Fuck you and get a grip. Change hurts and now whitey is no longer top of the totem pole. How terrible for you to have to learn how to live with 'those people'. Here in Canada we have always been a nation of immigrants and frankly we just accept that people come in all kinds of colors and backgrounds. We have laws that say it is not okay to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender. Our schools teach multiculturalism and don't tolerate hate speech. We even take teachers to court for preaching hatred or for denying the Holocaust. Does racism exist? Sure, but not to the level that it does in America. And our politicians don't use that 'straw man of color' as way to divide people and scare them. They wouldn't dare contemplate it. Obama is not coming to steal your guns, or put you into camps or have death panels to kill your granny or your retarded baby. Only someone with very little education would think that. The saddest part is that there are so many people that can be convinced those things are true because somewhere along the way the conditions existed where those ideas could take root and grow.

Kelly Clarkson's weight gain and the media's obsession with it is making me crazy. Like Jessica Simpson before her, poor Kelly is now on the receiving end of some cruel judgements by people who don't realize that people come in all sizes and that a woman can still be attractive without being a size zero. Like slaves coming off a ship today's female stars are put on display on the red carpet and are judged by bitter gay men and more bitter old women for every flaw or wrinkle or bulge that can be seen. No wonder a Britney goes crazy or a Lindsay becomes a junkie. I know it is a pipe dream but I wish we could celebrate something more meaningful and create less vain and uninteresting people in this world. All the time and energy that goes into this process could really be used elsewhere...but then what would I have to bitch about if it did?

This book cover that was found on 'Super Punch'. Nuff' said.

Young starlets like Miley that feel the need to dress like hookers wherever cameras can be found. Billy Ray you failed her again. Now mothers everywhere have a look to follow while buying back to school wardrobes for their daughters. Tough to be a MAN baby? Tougher to be a young girl I think.

THESE idiots who may actually avoid punishment for their war crimes because weak kneed Democrats can't let anyone be accountable for their actions regardless of their position in the previous American administration. No one is above the law or laws mean nothing.

The fact that this isn't true but should be.

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