Any TV show that has an episode set in Las Vegas that starts with a helicopter shot of the city at night to the tune of 'Luck Be A Lady Tonight' by Frank Sinatra. ENOUGH already. I feel the same way about 'Money' by The Flying Lizards or 'Money' by Pink Floyd or 'Money (That's What I Want)' by the Beatles or 'Money Money Money' by Abba whenever a pile of money is shown or they need a theme for some money segment on the evening news. I know we are playing to the lowest common denominator but I want just a bit more effort out of you people.

I am still perplexed. I get over 350 average visits a day and only a couple of comments. I need someone to explain it to me. Sure I blog for myself and because I am proud of my posts. Its great writing experience and keeps me in the 'loop' but why do only the same people comment? (Those of you that do PLEASE don't stop - I soak it all up like biscuits and gravy) If you return to my blog then it means you enjoy what I post about, right? Its not like there are 33 comments by the time you get there (yeh, SHINE...looking right at YOU...jeeez) and you don't feel you have anything fresh to bring to the conversation. I want to engage you in the things we must have mutual interest in or, as I asked, why do you visit? To punish me right? You are that same person who just LOOKS at the phone ring when I call them. They KNOW its me but they just don't pick up to be difficult. Screen everyone else but don't screen ME! Because its all about me. I thought I made that clear in the orientation package.
Related to this I have lost three followers in the past month. Usually people just leave their following tag up there even if they no longer follow a site they once did. I don't even know HOW to remove myself from someone's follow list. Is this a glitch? A ghost in the machine? Are you offended by something I posted about and are torturing me by just leaving and NOT confronting me? Drives me crazy. Why can't I KNOW the reason you have gone? I checked with my alien contacts and I know that no one who reads my blog has been abducted this month. Don't ask me how I know I just do. You are still on planet Earth so what gives? I just realized that the three people I want information from will probably not see this because they have stopped visiting. Oh great, now I got a problem with that. I sure am one complicated little monkey aren't I?

Why do I let myself watch these new Disney series like 'Jonas', 'Sonny With A Chance?' or 'Ten Things I Hate About You'? I should know by now that the second I do then I will become hooked on them because there is something so safe and goofy and low-brainy about them. They also are actually funny with appealing characters and situations. Even as far back as 'Saved By The Bell', I have tried to hide the shame I feel at never having outgrown the 12 year fangirl inside of me. 'Hanna Montana', 'Thats So Raven', 'Suite Life With Zac and Cody', 'iCarly'? I have seen them all and often the same episodes many times over. I know they aren't good for me. Like the difference between pudding and yogurt. Yogurt is good for me and promotes regularity. Pudding will kill ya in sufficient quantities but is just SUCH GOOD NOMS (nom nom nom nom nom). I have had to put up a person wall between me and 'Jonas' because once I start liking them its a slippery slope into that whole 'Twilight' thing and we all know that if I go there that its a cry for help and you all will have to put me down for my own good.
I enjoy 'Sonny With A Chance' with Demi Lovato but is the kid who plays the good looking punk actor role REALLY named Sterling Knight? That is just so stupid. That is the worst made up actor name EVER! If his parents named him that then they are getting a smack right after I give one to him for accepting that moniker. Dick Butkis was one of the worse names ever but that was at least his real name. Poor bastard.

I love David Letterman's show. He's got that old time Carson Tonight Show vibe with the right amount of snark added. Doesn't take himself too seriously and is very underrated as a celebrity interviewer. When I saw him bring great conversation out of Johnny Depp (who is notorious for hating that kind of thing - he so hates the public side of celebrity) it was just another example of how quick and witty he is. But he has been doing something lately that is bugging me. Since his heart surgery he runs across the stage before they open the curtains and before taking his spot for the monologue he turns his back to the audience and does some kind of gesture to someone in the wings. Is it for good luck? Is he giving some poor intern the finger? I don't know. Why can't I know? He's made reference to people in the audience asking the same thing and he always brushes it off as something they don't need to know which only makes me more crazy. This won't, however, spoil my enjoyment of his show.