I found a new blog site today as I usually do, through the comments I leave on other people's blogs. Shine's site is one of the more interesting ones out there. She has a humorous way of discussing the minutia of everyday life. It has real personality and I appreciate that. I just read a back post of hers where she asks why do people blog in the first place. I could have come up with something genius and insightful - a real inspiration to the kids out there wanting to start a blog of their own. However, my reasons just didn't come out quite in that vein. Choosing between taking the high road or being a smartass I, of course, picked the latter. (yeh big surprise - shut up Lisa, you were right). Upon reading my comment I was so impressed with myself that I had to do a post about a comment I made on someone else's blog for my blog. How sick is that? Wait..don't answer that. Tell me instead why you blog?
"I blog cause I am alone and my cat can't talk..yet. I am so pitifully needy that I require other people to tell me that octopus in the oceans or in aquariums freak the shit out of them as much as they do me. I like to hear the sound of my own writing in my head and because the judge said that ONE more fire and I am going away for good....Cal"