#1 - The Millenium Falcon - Faster and more maneauverable than most anything out there. It has not only outrun your local bulk cruisers but also the big Corrillian ships. And made the Kessel Run (whatever that was) in less than twelve parcects. There is no other 'go to' ship when either resucue is the mission or destruction of the 'Death Star' is the goal.

"it's no different in the real world. The bisected forward section give the Falcon a real sense of forward movement, and putting the cockpit, itself a beautiful design, on the side of the ship is a lovely NASA touch, as is the off-set communications dish. George Lucas describes the visual dynamic of the ship as 'a hamburger with an olive on the side'. Like the original Cylon Raiders, the ship is a joy to behold when it's performing an ambitious manoeuvre, such as the about-face for Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back or the acrobatic loop-de-loop into the asteroid cave earlier in the movie."
#2 - The Enterprise in all its various forms. Smooth, sleek and angled with the two nacelles firmly displaying the power available for escape or attack and thus a craft to be feared.

"The Enterprise is majestic rather than imposing, and it's an endlessly interesting thing to look at; there may be no other spaceship in the history of screen spaceships that has so many interesting angles to offer. It corners like a twenty-ton tanker, but that's not its strength - this is a cruise ship built to the highest specifications in the galaxy. I have been, and always shall be, its fan."
#3 Eagle from Space 1999 - Probably the most true to life depiction of a space vehicle that we would use would we have developed moon bases.

#4 Cylon Raider - Loved the show and like the Tie Fighter these seemed to be sleeker and more than a match for the Colonial Vipers from 'Battlestar Gallactica'.

#5 Tie Fighter - Why was it always the ships of the enemy that make more of an impact on us than the ships of the heroes.

#6 Narcissus - From the movie 'Alien' (1979)it was the life pod that escaped from the 'Nostromo' and allowed us for the first time to breath a sigh of relief. We all believed that Ripley and Jonesy had left the viscious creature back on another ship. Unfortunately this was not the case. The future discovery of the 'Narcisssus' would lead us back to a confrontation with the Alien species in the great 'Aliens'.

#7 The Icarus from 'Planet of the Apes'. If any ship looks like something that would come from the late 20th Century its this one. It would contain nothing that any civilization past or future could use to advance their times. No wonder one of the sleep pods went faulty and left us with one dead apegirl.

#8 The Romulan Warbird from 'Star Trek' - Unlike the Klingon ships, the Romulan spacecrafts have a real heft to them that makes them the equal to Federation vehicles like the Enterprise. Picard always needed several other allies to match an equal number of Romulan vessels.

#9 The House Ships from Dune - These are palaces that are carried by the Spacing Guild and just deposited on another planet like Arakkis. The best part is that you don't have to pack up and move your home. Just close the windows and take everything with you.