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To All Alien Civilizations Out There - Sorry About 'The View'.

I have always been fascinated by the fact that our radio and TV broadcasts are continuing to leave earth and travel far and wide into the universe. I can imagine some civilization out there finding them and creating a device to transmit then to their populace. Like on 'Galaxy Quest' where the Thermians mistake a fictitious 'Star Trek' like show for 'historical documents'. After watching a full diet of our television I now understand why alien species would never want to come here or when they do that they only appear to hillbillies living near some swamp in Arkansas. I wouldn't have anything to do with us hairless apes either. You just know anything they showed us, we would use against them. If they tasted like chicken we would Kentucky Fry their asses so quick they would have no time to even see the side dishes prepared. Thanks to the 'Daily What' for this image. As usual click to enlarge.

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