You think it was a time of gentile romanticism. When the best dressed Englishmen could court and win the girl of his dreams. UNTIL THE CEPHALOPODS SHOW UP AND MESS WITH THE WHOLE BEAUTIFUL MOMENT! Just like they always have. I am sure you would find Victorian equivalents to me and my team of noble squid warriors. Like the League of Extraordinarily Pissed Off Octopus Haters. Captain Ahab, Captain Nemo, Frisky Pete and Two Hooked Charlie Baconbits - there were some fine lads!
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» Jane Austin Knew Her Stuff
Jane Austin Knew Her Stuff
You think it was a time of gentile romanticism. When the best dressed Englishmen could court and win the girl of his dreams. UNTIL THE CEPHALOPODS SHOW UP AND MESS WITH THE WHOLE BEAUTIFUL MOMENT! Just like they always have. I am sure you would find Victorian equivalents to me and my team of noble squid warriors. Like the League of Extraordinarily Pissed Off Octopus Haters. Captain Ahab, Captain Nemo, Frisky Pete and Two Hooked Charlie Baconbits - there were some fine lads!