I don't want to jinx it because its downloading as I write this but doesn't this look like something you just HAVE to see? On this cover box its called 'Mosquito Man' but I prefer its other title - 'MANSQUITO'! I admit I got a weakness for these craptastic Sci Fi (or SYFY) channel monster movies. Sure the effect may be average to below average and sure the performers all went to the Lorenzo Lamas/Stephan Segal school of acting but how can you resist the wacky premises they come up with? Huge Komodo Dragons? Werewolves fighting Vikings? Nazi Super Soldiers? Rampaging mutant insects? I love them all. So many WTF moments to enjoy. Add to that some Cinemax style nudity that will always come from some young actress just before the monster makes a meal out of her and you can just pass me the popcorn and shut up until the commercials. More of my review after I watch it tomorrow. I can tell already you can't wait for it.