For the past two days the comic 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' has done a cartoon mention of two stories I have blogged about. The first being the Taiwanese fireman in the spiderman costume who saved a kid and the second being the British 'plane classroom'. Sure I know those were stories out there but I need a good conspiracy to believe in since it appears by all evidence that O.J. DID kill two people (who knew?). Maybe they just know a good blog when they steal from one. I certainly do when I 'borrow' the coolest of the cool from out in the interwebby tubes. (They ARE a series of tubes you know?) To quote Lisa Mynx - "seems to me it makes you cooler if they are picking stuff AFTER you do." That girl is ALWAYS so right.
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For the past two days the comic 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' has done a cartoon mention of two stories I have blogged about. The first being the Taiwanese fireman in the spiderman costume who saved a kid and the second being the British 'plane classroom'. Sure I know those were stories out there but I need a good conspiracy to believe in since it appears by all evidence that O.J. DID kill two people (who knew?). Maybe they just know a good blog when they steal from one. I certainly do when I 'borrow' the coolest of the cool from out in the interwebby tubes. (They ARE a series of tubes you know?) To quote Lisa Mynx - "seems to me it makes you cooler if they are picking stuff AFTER you do." That girl is ALWAYS so right.