Today, Green Tea would like to dedicate a special post for someone whom he knew. Well, not many times that the author would do this but here is a birthday wish for that particular person.
First and foremost, let us say a big Happy Birthday wish to this particular person whom is a blogger and an Innit-er that we have known and familiar with her unique nickname.
21 years ago on this very date of 15th June, a baby girl was born somewhere in this country.
Today, we all know that she is the person behind this colourful blog at

I'm sure this birthday would be something memorable and special for her. Today, she can announce herself eligible to vote in any parliamentary election.
However, Green Tea would like to express his apologize for not been able to celebrate this special date with her.
As you all know, the author is currently at oversea (Haha..Yeah right!!). So, the author would like to say SORRY and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to EV. Wish you all the best for the year ahead.
By the way, after reading this post, I hope you guys can flood into her blog here and spam send something nice to her chatbox or commentary box. P/S: NO SPAM PLEASE
Yours Truly,