1. Most Loved Food - Pizza, chicken wings

2. Most Loved Person (s) - sappy to say but my parents. They always supported their children no matter how many bodies needed to be buried. They do a lot for our community and shun any reward or recognition. They are role models for all of us.
3. Most Loved Job - Teaching - exhausting but with moments of pure exhilaration when you realize that you are doing something to make the world a better place. I can actually lay my head down at night and live with myself which is everything.

4. Most Loved City - Salzburg Austria - beautiful and old world like me

5. Most Loved Band - Garbage or Queen - I am waiting for the Shirley Manson/Freddy Mercury duet in heaven.

6. Most Loved Website - have heard of this little corner of the interwebs called Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness.

7. Most Loved TV Program - Real Time with Bill Maher or the Soup. I love seeing the pompous people skewered.

8. Most Loved Movie - Legends of the Fall - Epic family drama with the best role from Brad Pitt that shows he is not just another pretty boy.

9. Most Loved Artist - Salvador Dali - batshit crazy with impecable technique

10. Most Loved Book - Dune by Frank Herbert and its various sequels - A Universe spanning tale of the rise and fall of a galactic messiah with a strong environmental message and political intrigue.

11. Most Loved Shop - Bookworm's Den comic/action figures store

12. Most Loved Organization - Doctor's Without Borders

13. Most Loved Historical Event - The Renaissance - When everything changed and the world came out of the dark ages both figuratively and literally.

14. Most Loved Sport - Winter Olympics - you are gonna be on OUR ground this time bitches!

15. Most Loved Piece of Technology - Personal Computer

16. Most Loved annual event - Halloween - the only holiday really for kids where they are the center of it and not lost in the rush of say a Christmas.

17. Most Loved Daily Task - Breakfast - The only meal I really plan and look forward to - a good one can change my whole outlook for the day. A rushed one leaves me just off center. I especially love Breakfast for Supper.

18. Most Loved Comedian - George Lopez - He just makes me laugh. Funny is Funny.