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I Can Haz Me An Award

Much thanks to Samurai Frog for sending this award on to me. Its only the second time my work has been so recognized but the first one I kinda asked for. This is the first suprise validation. Of course I am lapping it up like a monkey on a cupcake licking an ice cream cone. We know Big Daddy is all about the love. So as per the demands of this award I send it off to these seven people (I couldn't go smaller than 7) whose blogs I find to be interesting or inspiring. I chose people who not only have a unique voice but whose blogs I visit whenever they put up a new post.

Here are the rules:

It is the Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award -
a blog award given to sites who:

Inspire you
Make you smile and laugh, or maybe give amazing information
A great read
Has an amazing design
Any other reasons you can think of that make them Uber amazing!

The rules of this award are:

Put the logo on your blog or post.
Nominate at least 6 blogs
Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.

Wings at Caffienated Joe
Michael May at Michael May's Adventure Blog
Nicole at Super Blogliness
Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein at Monkey Muck
Joe at 70s Child
Book Steve at Book Steve's Libray
Ben at Dragon Dancing with the Buhdda

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