You got to really love the goats to build them this cool tower. Whenever I go to the Rockies I love watching the big horn sheep scamper all over the rock edges. They just seem to have it in them to climb to ridiculously precarious perches and then jump to another ledge that is ready to crumble only to somehow find a way to avoid crashing to their ultimate demise. It must be the same thrill that NASCAR fans get just waiting for a wreck to happen. Now somebody has created these towers that give the goats their dream of height without really putting them in much peril. I wouldn't be surprised if they put a railing up so that some goat doesn't sue them. Its a magical medieval golden goat world out there folks. (thanks to Boing Boing)
"Currently there are only three Goat Towers in the world (which I think you'll agree is not nearly enough!). The original Goat Tower was built in 1981 by Charles Back at the Fairview Wine and Cheese Estate in Paarl, South Africa. The estate has 750 Saanen goats and some of these are allowed access to the tower. The other two Goat Towers are the "Tower of Baaa" in Findlay, Illinois and one built in 2006 in Ekeby, Norway, both of which are modeled on the original."