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Xenozoic Tales

For a guy who loves and collects toys I post about them infrequently. That needs to change. One of the 'holy grails' that I am looking for to put in my collection is the Jack Tenrek Cadillac from the comic book and cartoon series CADILLACS AND DINOSAURS - which was an awesome comic book by Mark Shultz. I always loved his style of art which is very reminiscent of the old school newspaper strips like Prince Valiant and Flash Gordon. Hanna Dundee, the main female character is very sexy. The concept is very strong and unique and has endless story potential. It also had a strong environmental message at a time when such ideas in education were in their infancy. It came out three years after Captain Planet which was heavy into environmentalism. In the cartoon series and comic book the car ran on dinosaur guano and it would have been nice to have a little labelled barrel of the stuff included. For me the quality of the car sculpt is impressive and the box art is fantastic.

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