The event was held last Saturday at Studio V, a new entertainment outlet by The Star Online at 1Utama Shopping Centre in Petaling Jaya. For this exclusive event, about 250 ++ attended the event and I have to say I have a little enjoying moment for myself. With me on that day, we have Hitomi, Isaac, Nigel, Moon, Zhao, Louis Dusty, Spectre and Diese.
For this post, there will be three things for me talk about. I don't think I will talk that much since those pictures below will do. If you want to view the interview, go to part three of the post (down there).
Oh, this is ugly. First time been interviewed and they have this camera zooming at me. By the way it's a 6 minutes video, and I'm the second to be featured. It is very uncomfortable at first but I just said it out, perhaps I'm still digesting the movie, thus the 4.0 stars thingy. Thanks for the interview in which I just bombarded everything.
"The Story Is Not So Compelling - I was like what on earth - LOL"
PS: Yeah, can The Star do another round for it? I don't even know the existence of this video until I was at Zhao's blog.
PS: Yeah, can The Star do another round for it? I don't even know the existence of this video until I was at Zhao's blog.