STAND OUT comes in many faces.
There is something in within this anonymous Green Tea World that no one really understand. Was it because I am too complicated or me myself been too secrecy? The answer is pretty obvious, NO, in case you know me and you know how my principles of life work. Green Tea World's author, that's me and myself - can be a lunatic, sarcastic, observant, geek, unique and of course STAND OUT. You don't believe me? Just read on.
When I write my entry, I do not focus and look at things from a common perspective approach. I try to think out of the box and put my writing excel from a different point of view, where some people will call this "vantage point".
When people write about the movie review of Angels and Demons, I do not merely write about the review as in here, but I also write about the puzzle quest in the movie and book which is known also as "The STAND OUT Path Of Illumination." (Post 1, Post 2, Post 3)
When people write about their love and hate for iPhone, I write about other optional techie products beside iPhone that can change the world of mobility STAND-OUTLY. (Post is here)
Owh...only recently, after try and error, I have manage to invent some bowling game where you must be tough and smart to endure with. That specific bowling game is yet to be named, but the rules used are really unique and STAND OUT. (The Post)
If exist another parallel world aside the world we are living now, I would have been a movie critic and review. Thus Green Tea Movie was established a year ago too. Why? Because of the obsession, I fight for tickets, I watch and I review them STAND-OUTLY.
Wait the minute, what makes me so difference from the others - I reviewed them in all major aspects - satisfaction, quality, casts, story, cinematography and level of anticipation. That makes me different. Don't believe me, please visit here.
Remember that news about Darth Vader been kidnapped some times ago (STAND-OUTLY no such news nor event actually took place).
People thought he hid somewhere to finish his final STAND OUT chapters of the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows.
In fact, he was not. He really got kidnapped and yes, it was my work, I admit.
I did it because I am so in dire need for his costume that allows me to attend this costume party. So I plot a plan of locating him, kidnap him and strip him from his costume - so I STAND-OUTLY get myself in his costume in less than 5 minutes and run.
Luckily he did not lose his ball, he begged me you know. think this is a talent or what? I disguise myself as a Darth Vader before lingering and crushing into some party.
I also did a cover up for Mr. Santa Claus when he had a heart by-pass surgery in Norway last year, thus he was unable to come.
I also camouflaged myself as a Star Trekkie as well, that depends on time. Well sometimes even Hiro Nakamura replacing me when there is a Trekkie gathering.
I also had a few agents that will cover up me as well. Serious, they looked cute and adorable, but the fact remains that they are deadly, armed and highly trained STAND OUT animals.
Well enough said though!! Now you bloggers out there, grab this chance to be a stand out like me. How, seen this image again and again in the post? Yes, I purposely did that to raise your attention right until the end to tell you a cool and awesome party in town. NOW STAND OUT WITH TIGER & NUFFNANG and you will be in the spotlight soon. Be stand out!! Details at
AGAIN, enough said!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU AND LONG LIVE AND PROSPER AS A STAND OUT. P/s: Can somebody counts how many times did the word STAND OUT appear in this post? I lost count though.