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Five More Favourites

I was re-reading my blog entries from the beginning today (really? what an ego on this guy, eh?) and noticed that I had only posted about five of my favorite 'comfort films'. So here are the other five. Trust me, each one is a winner and worthy of your time. Even you Lisa.

The Fountain - (death is the road to awe) Absolutely the most gorgeous movie I have ever seen. Darren Aronofsky of 'The Wrestler' fame created a most lyrical portrayal of the cycle life and death. Hugh Jackman plays a man, who over 1000 years of existence, tries to save the woman that he loves. Powerful and rewarding. You will never look at a loved one the same way again. This clip contains spoilers so wait until you see the movie from the beginning to view it.

Legend of the Fall - This one was filmed near my home in Alberta and is a great generational family drama that chronicles the experiences of an Army Colonel and his three boys who live in the wilds of Montana at the turn of the century. We see the way that war and family and love affect the lives of all of them. Starring Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins, its a story that pulls you in from the beginning and leaves you exhausted at the end. There are more deep felt emotions here than any years worth of TV dramas. I am not into guys but I swear to God I would switch sides for Brad Pitt's Tristen. Probably my all time favorite if I was force to pick just one movie.

Glory - Another from the same director of 'Legends' tells the story of the first all-black regiment in the US Civil War. Morgan Freeman and Mathew Broderick (WTF?) lead an all star cast to tell this true to life tale. The true standout is Denzel Washington in what is one of his most powerful performances and one which he won the academy award for best supporting actor. With a black President in the White House its neat to look back to see how far African Americans have come in the years since the abolition of slavery.

Resident Evil - I classify this movie as a guilty pleasure along with most of anything that my beloved Milla Jovovich does - like Ultraviolet. Don't look for logic but just hold on and enjoy the ride. I am a sucker for movies where a team of soldiers are sent in somewhere dangerous to do a job that you just know not everyone is going to survive. I can watch this movie over and over again. Its what I like to call the 'Starship Troopers Effect'.

To Kill A Mockingbird - This is the movie made from the book by Harper Lee. It was always one of my favourites. Gregory Peck is Aticus Finch, a lawyer in a small southern town defending a black man accused of rape. Never has a movie so clearly defined the way that justice is perverted. Seeing the whole thing unfold through the eyes of Aticus' young daughter Scout (the coolest name for a girl EVER) is a perfect vehicle for such weighty issues.

EXTRA - Three Amigos - Now for those of you who are looking to laugh I point you towards this Steve Martin, Martin Short and Chevey Chase vehicle. Can't stand Chevy, never did like him and find his skills and timing to be woefully lacking. But the other two are golden and this one scene involving El Guapo and his right hand man Hefe (the BEST second bananna is movie history) is a classic bit of writing. You wouldn't expect such introspection from a bandito. And I dare anyone to not sing along with 'My Little Buttercup'.

"Forgive me El Guapo, but I know that I, Hefe, do not have your superior intellect and education...but could it be....?" - GOLD baby, GOLD!

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