Last check I had on the weather forecast in Shanghai was a reported cloudy for the Sunday afternoon. First sat in front of the television set and to my surprise, it was raining substantially and the track was completely wet. After two days of sunshine in Shanghai, strong wind had blown the rain clouds over and it had been pouring right from the start. This is a condition that eventually start the race from where we last stop - a rain tainted weekend in Sepang.

The opening phase saw safety car was deployed to lead the race with Sebastian Vettel from pole position, followed by Alonso, Webber, Barrichello and Button. Brawn GP knew that the front three particularly Alonso were on light fuel. However, things were not as easy as a mathematical fuel calculation can be in reality.

Then Alonso pitted early during the end of the safety car period, which indicates how low fuel he was on-board. Alonso's pit was followed by the start of the real action. Hamilton in an improved car with KERS aid, past Raikkonen for 6th place. Since then, Hamilton continued to hunt the drivers in front of him while Raikkonen was losing pace and consistency.

Visibility on the track become reduced. Because of thet, on lap 18, Robert Kubica ran straight, smashing the back of Jarno Trulli. Trulli having lost the rear wing and spoiler retired. However, the safety car was deployed again. 3 laps later, Massa's car came to a stall and he retired as well. We saw a couple of spun-off the track later but nothing compares to Nelson Piquet's crash into the marker and broke off the nose.

The main attention for the second place remained with Button battling Webber all the way. They made sensational moves and passes, a great drama during the boring middle stinct. There was a brief glory for lowly Force India when Adrian Sutil sits on sixth before he had a nasty spun and out on Lap 51, succumbed to pressure from Lewis Hamilton.

Sebastian Vettel which has been steadily driving through the corners and water spots on the Shanghai track finally emerged victory. His second career win and the most important of all, first race win for Red Bull Racing. The Red Bulls were simply on fire, when Webber shaked off Button's challenge to grab the second place.

In the end, a sweat podium finish for the Red Bulls. Button remained the leader with his third podium in a row. Ferrari remained pointless - a worst start since 1981; while McLaren has a strong improvement.

Who says Formula One is predictable? Now you don't...this is the race result:

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