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Transformers 2 Video Game Preview (Updated)

Various sites have posted articles describing a preview of the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game complete with screenshot. The previews appear to based on the 360/PS3 versions not the Wii/DS/PSP that are also in the pipeline. Highlights below, click links for details and plenty of screenshots including Wii and DS/PSP versions of the game. Thanks to Michelle, Scorpio and others for the links. Forgot to mention, the game is getting released June 23rd in the states (don't know the international release dates).
Kotaku | TFormers | Team XBox | Joystiq | Movie Chronicles

- Follows along with film plot but missions are chosen from central hub (a faction war room) rather than linear storytelling
- Still chance to choose faction and Transformer to play as
- Larger mission environments then first games, improved interaction with environment (climb buildings, step over objects, etc)
- Various mission objectives, demo level was find and kill Sideways.
- One button Transformation that seems to improve combat.
- Each Transformer has a special ability (Sideways has a sniper rifle, Starscream can hover).
- Improved melee control include a transformation kick flip (ex: drive at target > transform > brutal melee attack > land back in vehicle mode and drove away).
- Not all missions are open to all Transformers (example one mission is Starscream destroying battleships, not exactly something Autobots would do).
- There are babysit human levels (example was driving Shia to a location and prevent building he is in from being destroyed).
- There is a level in the game of Optimus Prime vs. Devastator (his weakness is bulk equals slowness)
- Robot designs are based off of the ILM creations.
- Sequel has a new type of drone, various classes of robots that join the factions but appears Arielbots, Protectobots, Stunticons, etc where used as inspiration to create the cannon fodder.
- Stats are maintained via Leader boards so can see how doing in regards to kills, awards and other details for both single and multi-player modes.

Update: Added links to two more video game related articles. Also added possible picture of the sun harvester (as mentioned in comics and coloring book) from Movie Chronicles.

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