"Creating your own blog is about as easy as creating your own urine, and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it." -- Lore Sjöberg
I think often about blogging and I kinda feel sadness for anyone who is so insular that they can't appreciate the sharing of one's interests no matter how essoteric they may be. Its the same sadness I feel for anyone who can't appreciate popular culture (television, movies, comic books, toys, music ect...) after they reach a certain age. They reject those things that brought them joy in childhood merely because they reject the nostalgia or are embarassed by it. Blogging for me brings me into contact with individuals who poplulate an island that I am glad to be a citizen of and fills me with an appreciation for those parts that make me a unique and valued human. Its tough enough to find joy on this planet as it is so stop harshing my buzz and 'pass the dutchie on the left hand side'.