At 10.00 pm Saturday night, marks the end of my 32 hours of my effort to transform the old layout. The old layout was good too but it has a darker ambiance of chocolate and have a nice theme of cafeteria, suits my Green Tea World!! blog well. This is a resonance of enjoying the blog while drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

However, due to the dark background layout, many of those coloured fonts and pictures become less attractive. It causes some difficulty to read and to view the pictures even on myself. I developed a way to read it by adjusting the monitor angle but it may get annoying for some. Therefore, it is time for a change....
Introducing the new layout for the blog...

NEW LAYOUT WAS MADE TO COMMEMORATE THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY I'M USING NUFFNANG. I used Google AdSense longer than Nuffnang. Here, I would like to introduce to you what changes on the applications available so that the usual reader will not get lost. Don't worry, there are very easy.

The layout that I am using is sort of called "Magazine-type" templates, in which posts are shortened in the same ways like those on Wordpress. The post will only features the first few sentences of the content if viewed from home page and you need to click on "read more" for a full article.

This is a concept based on label tagging. The navigation is no expert styles but it gives me a chance to learn something about new HTML codes. Here, I have compiled them according to the label of posts; namely Entertainment, Starbucks, Science and so on.
This is the main problem which until now I was not able to fix. The pictures on the sliders section supposed to look like the one on the demo site but it somehow faulty.
If you use Mozilla, it appears like this.
While, if use Google Chrome, it appears as this. SEARCH AND SEARCH

The search box is a functioning tool to search within the tonnes of kilobytes of documents in the site. Type a phrase and a list of related post will appear, it is like some search engine....COOL!! I always wanted to have this application but I do not know where to search for.

Another dizzying procedures, but somehow it works a little compared to the sliding pictures. In this tabs of three, I have currently put some widgets there; Followers, Oil Price and Video. I think I might replace the Oil Price into other picture slide show soon. Just click on the tab and the widget will be displayed. More interactives I would say.
Scroll down a bit and look on your right. The usual Chatbox, Nuffnang Ads and BloggerList. Scroll down until the end, the Plurks update.
Well, enjoy the new layout and please do give me some hand about the sliding pictures problem. Thank you for the continue support and nice to hear from you. Stay tune for some Darth Vader action.