Voyager Megatron - Turns out he might be real as the new gallery (some pics below) shows.
Ultimate Bumblebee 2.0 - He's back with modified transformation and body to reflect his new 2010 model.
FAB Sideswipe - Via eBay, I believe the first look at this version
FAB Ratchet - In his desert green colors, still no clue if this reflects his look in the movie.
FAB Megatron - Still ugly, still better looking than the jet.
FAB Starscream - Still butt ugly too.
Bruticus Maximus - A look at the re-issue from Transformers: Energon line to go with the Superion repaint. (Forgot to add includes pics of vehicle mode of Voyager Starscream and Ratchet).
Deluxe Sideswipe - Large gallery of the toy.
Deluxe Sideways - Another large gallery.
FAB Jetfire Review - Of note is it appears the FAB Jetfire and Optimus do not combine, contary to previous rumors for this version.

Update: Turns out the Megatron pic was real. Updated his link to the new, better gallery and added a few sample pictures.